These are the things I enjoy doing to pass away the time. Lucky me, my husband is also into most of them so we get to do things together. :)
The Internet I know, pretty obvious huh? But seriously, I think it's a great thing. You can read about anything in here at a moment's notice, from Egyptian artifacts to nuclear scient to frogs. You can keep in touch with relatives and freinds all over without spending $500 a month on your phone bill. I moved three states away from where I grew up, not to mention that my family and freinds moved all over, and keeping in touch gets expensive! You can also meet people from all over the world, and it's a lot of fun talking to people from other countries!
Crafts I just like to make things.
Japanese Anime/Manga I love this media. It's not for children, and parents who see it as a cartoon and let thier children watch on that basis are in for trouble. Some of the bloodiest things I have ever seen were done in anime. Most of the stories are very in depth and entertaining, as much as any live action show. The characters are beautiful to look at, and it's just generally done so much better and more realistically than most western television. When people die, they stay dead, where as in western shows people seem to think that the audience can't handle that so people get ressurrected or were never dead 8 times out of 10, for example.
Role Playing Games Now here is an interesting hobby. You have religious extremists and confused parents screaming that it is evil left and right, and most of them never once picked up a book or game rule to even look at it. Psychologists did a study of the hobby based upon the hobby to see if it was as dangerous as people claim, and guess what? It lowered the suicide rate among teens, increased cognitive and problem solving skills, trained players to think and be creative rather than zoning in front of a tv, improved reading skills by constant use, math skills, and general social skills. *Sarcastic tone* Yeah, that sounds like a 'defvil game' to me. Oh by the way, looney toon people that begin to think they are a character and kill other people in real life are an URBAN LEGEND.
Reading I'm a huge science fiction and fantasy junkie, with the occasinal horror story tossed in. I just like stories, so I don't really have favorite authors, but if really pressed to name one it would be Peirs Anthony I suppose.
Video/Computer games Mostly the rpg ones where I have to solve puzzles to advance, I'm not very good at the fighting style games because I get bored and don't practice much. I have been dragged into playing Quake, but I suck at it.
Camping I just LOVE camping. My favorite place to go is Assateague Island.
Pets Animals are wonderful. Right now I have three rabbits, a male named Adrian and two females named Mist and Mephistopheles the Demon Bunny from Hell, and a red-ear painted slider turtle named Squirtle.
That's all for now!