Here are some links I like, maybe you will like them as well. You never know until you try! :)

If you want your page up here, just e-mail me the url and I'll take a look. I will NOT promote crime/drug/alcohol/bigotry pages(I think there is enough misery in the world without my help), but as long as it's tasteful will accept links with some porn. It may not be my thing, but I don't see anything wrong with it either.

In the interest of keeping this page a quick loader, I'm only putting up text descriptions, no banners, etc. So send a brief description along with your url if you like.

Fun Stuff

Arcadium Refugees-A fun chat/message type site with lots of interesting people.
Anipike-Japanese want it, they got it here.
The Realm-a fun online game that I play. (if you play it, look up Joriel or Shartelane)
Lady Polgara's-a great reference for the above game.
ICP site-The official one. I have no idea why I like them, I just do.
Lori's Corner-a site my husband found, shows you how to make pics of real people into your fave fictional characters.
Purity Tests-Some of those fun purity sites. What do YOU score? *smiles*
Mudconnector-The most complete source of mud addies I know.
Net-Rpg-A great rpg resource site with lots of netbooks and other goodies for Ad&d.
The Role-Playing Booklet-Another great rpg source.
The Weary Travelor's Guild-A very prettily done rpg page.

My Freinds Areas

Ashe's Future Chronicles-My husband page, excellent source of Rifts and Transformers information.
Adiemas-one of my best irl friends, go check him out. :)
Cariz's Home-One of my oldest friends, Carrie from Jersey. Be gentle, she's a total computer newbie.
Roadk!llroy's-Engel's page, what can I say? He is my best freind, man of honor, and a whole buncha other things.
Darkjester's Page of Infinite JestMy cyberbrother's page. He's funny, he's cute, and he's a sweetheart.
Ron's homepage-I met him at Rocky Horror, he's the criminologist, and just cool.
Sakura-Original Artworks and Fan Art, his work is just gorgeous! A lot of it is adult oriented though.
My friend Mary's home page-gothic/vampire type, good poetry!
Father Grief's page-a really cool friend of mine. :)
Darkbane's-intelligent and always fun to talk to. :)
Ugh's-My friend Ken's page!
Ken's Virtual Aquarium-it's cool!
This is Darcius' Page-I met him on the Realm, really nice guy.
Lord Dreamer X's-another net brother.
Lady Lufia-Still another!
Whirlwinds page-original poetry and stories!

Useful Places

Renee's Rennassaince-one of the best cybergift sites I frequent.
Blue Mountain-A great cybercard site that's free and covers nearly everything ya can need.
Bluebird of Midi-tons of useful midi files here!
Ebay-A great auction site to try to find things at.
ToysRUs-Need I say more?
Angelfire Home Pages-Self explanatory, don't you think?
Geocities Home Pages-Self explanatory, don't you think?
Tripod Home Pages-Self explanatory, don't you think?
Hotmail-Free e-mail. Is somewhat slow and has a few minor glitches, but it's a good option if you need a second e-mail for privacy or organizational reasons.
Yahoo-A little bit of everything from search engine to free e-mail, clubs to maps and driving directions.

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