We'll start with the basics. I was born a girl(still am one, too) on Feb. 4, 1972 in Misawa, Japan. My father was in the navy and stationed there with my mother during the Vietnam conflict, which I was born in the last year of if my history is correct. My genetic heritage is English, German, Hungarian, French, Polish, Irish, and Dutch. I think I forgot one or too. My cultural heritage is simply American. Since people keep asking to write, I'm Aquarius, and do tend to life up to it.

We left Japan when I was 13 months old, after some surgery to fix my hip so that I could walk when I grew up. It worked. I grew up in New Jersey, normal childhood with a series of relatives that are probably out of their minds, but manage to function anyway.

Had my son Daniel at 17, and lost sympathy for a lot of those who got pregnant in high school in my area and quit school. The school gives you everything it can to keep you in school, even babysitting programs in the child care class area, and home tutoring during your medical leave. So I don't know why everyone can't finish high school at least in my area. So I graduated on time with good grades, in 1990.

Got married to the baby's father for a lot of idiot reasons, including pressure from some members of my family. Amazing how in retrospect all of a sudden so many of my freinds and family thought he was no good and I shouldn't have married him but only one or two said so at the time. Of course, those that did had the wrong reasons for saying so anyway. If someone had the right reasons and talked to me instead of at me, I would have listened. It is still that way wtih me, preach at me, lecture me, try to sell me opinions you formed out of bias or prejudice, and I don't care how right you are, I will not listen to you. No true good can come from the wrong reasons. Talk to me, with good solid reasons formed in unbiased judgement, and I will listen and consider and discuss my position back.

And don't sell me your religion, I hate that. See the opinions page.

I left my marriage after three years and moved to Ohio where my grandparents are in 94 I think it was. I came here with the intention of going home to Jersey after a short break, but Ohio is like the Roach Motel for People, People get in but they don't get out!

In retrospect coming here was worth it anyway, since my Grandfather, the one truly sane person in my family and the person I respected most in the entire world, was diagnosed with lieukemia barely a month after I moved in to my grandparents home with Danny. It was a really bad time for our family, but Danny at least got to spend some time with him at an age where he can remember him. The doctors told us it was Children's lieukemia, pretty controllable and Grandpa had at least 2 more years with us. He died 4 months later out of complications.

A couple years later I met my husband, and got married. See his page for details on that if you want to read that story.

So what about now?

I live in Perrysburg Ohio, at least until I graduate. I'm happily married and still raising Daniel. I go to Owens Community College as a Digital Media Tech major, and am having a great time with it. It's a lot of fun. Digital Media is a very cool subject.

My hobbies and such are on another page, so I won't bore you repeating myself. That's it for now,maybe I'll elaborate more later.

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